Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Kids got outfited with lease skis yesterday - had fun wearing the new goggles and helmets sledding today. A whopping 15 above and the kids played outside for two hours.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Buck's Happy Birthday

Was hidden in the interior panels of the cab of the Kenworth he bought a couple of years back. All the bills but one are 1996 - one is '86. Truck is a '94, previous owner bought it in '98. Who knows, but it looks like it's ridden around a while....
Happy Birthday, Buck! Wanna go to Vegas?

Christmas Program 08

Here's Joe and Meg - ready for the school program. Both kids had a solo part - Joe's speaking, Meg's singing. They both did great!
We even got the homemade oregon grape jelly out of the poofy pink dress.
Good Job, kids!